Britney: Rétt skal vera rétt

Britney er ekki međ Luke Walton. Skamm


There's no team quite like the Lakers, and Wednesday was proof of that again. So what if they're playing tomorrow in one of the season's biggest games? Luke Walton got to deny that he's dating Britney Spears, Lamar Odom had a camera crew in tow and Andrew Bynum tipped us off that Kwame Brown might not play the rest of the season.

Didn't you know the circus was back in town? I'm not sure whether to call Luke ``Mr. Spears'' or ``Federline'' right now but it's amazing how two items in the British tabloids could catch fire. Spears has attended three Lakers games since getting divorced/leaving rehab and the Daily Star and Daily Mirror tried to connect the dots.

So you end up with some hilarious gossip from ``sources'' close to Spears. From the Star: ``Luke's all man - - not like Federline or any of the guys that she's been used to. If anyone can sweep her off her feet, he can - - literally.''

Or my favorite from the Mirror: "Britney is certainly sports mad since dating Luke. She even chants his name when the rest of the fans do. Her face lights up when she sees him do well. She's really fallen for him.''

It reached the point Wednesday where Walton was debating putting out a statement denying the rumors. As Kobe Bryant put it, ``You've got to do what you've got to do.'' I did a Google News search and found Web sites mentioning the rumor in India, South Africa, New Zealand, Tunisia, Canada and England.

We'll see if Britney shows up to watch the Lakers/Clippers game on Thursday night....Walton, by the way, is down to take part in the NBA's Basketball Without Borders camps for the second summer in a row. He went to South Africa last summer and is going to Brazil this summer.

nstead of talking about the playoffs, Walton tried to pull his personal life out of the tabloids. Somehow the dots were connected from Spears attending two recent Lakers games to a relationship between the pop princess/rehab queen and Walton.

``The rumors aren't true,'' Walton said. ``I'm sure Britney is a great person. I don't even know her. I have a girlfriend right now. I'm in a relationship. I'm very happy with my relationship. I don't know where it's all started, but none of it is true.''

Walton is dating Bre Ladd, a former volleyball player at the University of Arizona, who happened to be sitting five seats down from Spears at one of the games she attended.

That wasn't mentioned when ``Entertainment Tonight'' ran with the story earlier this week. Walton said his girlfriend was amused at first but has grown irritated. For his part, Walton's been hearing from friends who haven't called in years.

``If I was living in Milwaukee, this wouldn't have happened,'' Walton said. ``It's definitely an L.A. thing.''



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1 Smámynd: Laufey Ólafsdóttir

úff, takk fyrir ađ leiđrétta ţetta, svo mađur sé ekki ađ halda fram einhverri vitleysu

Ef hann byggi í Milwaukee hefđi Britney sennilega ekki slysast á leikina hans er Britney semsagt "an L.A. thing"? 

Laufey Ólafsdóttir, 12.4.2007 kl. 17:55

2 Smámynd: Marvin Lee Dupree

 Mín skylda!

Held Britney sé a product of Fox News Thing og $$$. Hefur ţú heyrt lagiđ Windowsill međ Arcade Fire annars?  

Marvin Lee Dupree, 12.4.2007 kl. 18:21

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